East Bay Heritage Quilters

Next Meeting: September 26, 2011 Current on-line newsletter: August Drop-In: Tues, Sept. 13; Sat, Sept. 17 (+Children's Quilts)


Monthly Meeting
Workshop Schedule
Workshop Rules
Drop - Ins
Yearly Calendar

Guild Information
Living Treasures
Board Members
Member Merchants

Voices in Cloth
2012 Quilt Show
2010 Quilt show
2008 Quilt show

Guild Projects
Children’s Quilts
Community Services

How to Join

2010 Show & Tell
2009 Show & Tell
2008 Show & Tell
2007 Show & Tell
2006 Show & Tell

Children's Quilts/EBHQ


Work Days:
Come help to cut, sew, tie and bind quilts for special children. Join us for all day or just part of the day at Saturday EBHQ Drop In at Albany United Methodist Church, 980 Stannage Ave., Albany (at Marin), usually 3rd Saturday of the month. (Be sure to check the calendar!) All members and friends of EBHQ are invited to participate in our Children's Quilts activities.

Rules: Our only rule is that this activity is not to cause stress but just the good feeling that comes when you are in the grove doing something you love.

There are many ways for you to join us:
  • Work Days: Come help to cut, sew, tie and bind quilts for special children. Join us for all day or just part of the day at Saturday EBHQ Drop In at Albany United Methodist Church, 980 Stannage, Albany (at Marin), usually the 3rd Saturday of the month. (Be sure to check the calendar!)
  • Sew quilt kits for tops: At any of the EBHQ meetings pick up a pre-packaged kit and take it home to sew up at your leisure. You may then add back and batting and complete by tying or quilting, bind and return the finished quilt OR just return sewn top to any EBHQ meeting.
  • Tie or machine quilts tops at home.
  • Sew bindings on at home by hand or machine.
  • Donations: We are always looking for donations of unused quilting weight cottons from your collections that are not musty from storage. If you are prewashing, please use unscented soap and fabric softeners Deliver donations to any EBHQ meetings, New Pieces Quilt Shop, or contact Deanna : [email protected]

In 1988, one woman in Berkeley decided to make a quilt to comfort a child with AIDS. Friends and neighbors soon joined the effort, and then more and more joined. As the years passed, the network of volunteers in Children's Quilt Project (CQP) grew to reach every state and six foreign countries. After eight years, Diane Dehler, the founder and Executive Director of CQP officially closed the non-project organization, stating, “I feel that we have served our purpose of educating the public about the need of babies and children living with AIDS for comfort and love. When CQP first started, we were the only voice at national AIDS conferences for these children. As the needs and numbers were brought to the attention of quilters across the country, their outpouring of love and concern helped to develop education and understanding.

When CQP officially closed in 1996 thousands of community organizations across the nation had developed new networks to provide comfort to three groups of special children: children living with AIDS and HIV disease, children born drug-addicted and homeless children. At this time, the Executive Board of East Bay Heritage Quilters voted to act as the coordinating organization to continue CQP established activities in the Greater Bay Area under the name of Children's Quilts/East Bay Heritage Quilters. Over a 1,000 quilts are made and distributed each year.

If you have any questions about the Children's Quilt project contact Deanna at: [email protected].

East Bay Heritage Quilters
PO Box 6223
Albany, CA 94706
Copyright 2007, EBHQ
[email protected]